Do You Have Enamel Erosion?

Enamel is the strongest surface in the body22. It should feel firm and strong but can also be worn away over time due to eating highly acidic foods and drinking acidic beverages. If you’re less than confident when biting into hard, raw veggies such as carrots, check out these symptoms to see if your tooth enamel may be wearing away, leaving your teeth vulnerable to everything from chips and cracks to cavities. 

SIGN #1: Dents on Teeth23

If you start to notice indentations on your teeth, which can be referred to by your dentist as cupping, this could signal that tooth enamel has eroded. 

SIGN #2: Yellowish Teeth23

Another symptom that indicates that enamel may be wearing away is a yellowish colour of the teeth, which happens when more of the dentin (or the hard, dense, bony tissue forming the bulk of a tooth beneath the enamel) within the tooth is exposed (dentin has a natural yellowish colour).

SIGN #3: Chipped Teeth23

If you start to see tiny chips and cracks in your teeth, this could be another red alert that the enamel on your teeth is eroding and your teeth are becoming weaker and less able to withstand biting and chewing without getting nicked. 

SIGN #4: Sensitivity23

If your teeth are becoming more sensitive over time, especially to extreme temperatures, like breathing in cold air, or drinking beverages such as hot teas and coffee or cool ice-water, then this could be a signal that your enamel is being stripped, making your teeth more vulnerable to decay.


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